星期三, 9月 16, 2009

Kanye West interrupts

I have not made any of these images and I do not own any of them. If you see one that belongs to you and you want it removed or credited, please contact me


Top Ten Kanye West Interruption Paradies from Mashable

10. Yo Shaq


[WeeGee, via rocdiesel]

9. Yo Mario


[I'mma Let You Finish]

8. Twitter Twibbon


What’s better than giving Kanye a way to interrupt absolutely everyone on Twitter? Not much.

7. Yo Jesus


[Tommy Oliver via rocdiesel]

6. Best Single Serving Website


This one really speaks for itself.

5. Yo Keyboard Cat


[I'mma Let You Finish]

4. Hitler Reacts

Not an interruption per se, but this adaptation of Downfall still deserves a spot on the list of Kanye interruption parodies.

3. Yo Palin


Tina Fey is a better Palin than Palin.

2. Yo Declaration of Independence



Surely one of the very few odes to the Magna Carta witnessed in recent memory.

1. Yo Obama

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